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Professionalised repair and maintenance services

Our professionally managed repair and maintenance services are transforming water access for rural communities across Malawi.
Our path to progress

Key features

A guaranteed schedule of services to ensure functionality rates over 97%.

A service provider model creates accountability and transparency to water users and national stakeholders.

A subsidised model ensures affordability to communities whilst supporting them to pay an increasing share of costs.

Preventative maintenance provides long term cost savings of 40% vs community management approaches.

Scalable model that targets financial viability to provide long term sustainability.

Promoting scalability and self-sustainability

Our approach

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Enabling environment

We work with local government and partners to ensure that communities have the capacity and means to sustainably pay for our services and that infrastructure meets a minimum standard of functionality.

Increased regulation

Beyond Water is accountable for these guaranteed services, shifting the dynamic to treating the community as a customer. Local government have the capacity to undertake independent assessment of our work against agreed KPIs, paving the way for a fully regulated, licensed rural water sector.

Improved services

We provide a fully managed service of regular maintenance and repair through our network of trained mechanics who replace spare parts before they fail and cause major breakdown resulting in 97+% functionality rates.

An illustration of a community water pump with a girl collecting water and a community member paying for the services on a mobile app.

Financial viability

Our approach focuses on achieving optimum cost efficiency in clusters, allowing for a model that is easily scalable. It is underpinned by a blend of financing that supports a sustainable level of subsidy to ensure our services remain affordable to base of pyramid customers.

the difference we make

Key benefits

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Improved health

Safe water decreases instances of waterborne diseases such as cholera and diarrhoea and improvements in nutrition can be positively compounded.

Greater equality

Women and girls do not have to walk long distances to collect from alternative safe sources when their waterpoint is non-functional.

Climate resilience

Beyond Water works with health centre management to ensure medical staff and patients have access to safe clean water and health investments aren’t undermined by unsafe water.

Economic growth

Beyond Water works closely with government to support efforts to scale up professionalised repair and maintenance. We work with partner NGOs to provide long term sustainability to WASH projects.

A headshot of Abida Sidik Mia
"I praise Beyond Water’s innovative and community-centric approach, emphasising its alignment with the government’s vision for enhancing water and sanitation services in rural areas. I am committed to supporting initiatives like Beyond Water that are making a meaningful difference to the lives of Malawians."

Abida Sidik Mia

Minister for Water and Sanitation

A photograph of Elina Yelemani, WPC Member, using a water pump.
"We are very grateful for the decision we made, even though it was hard to convince our community members. But, when it comes to the end of our service contract, I know we will enter into an agreement again, because we have seen the benefit."

Elina Yelemani

WPC Member, Lipenga village, Dowa

A headshot of Jailos Phiri, a pump mechanic
"I have 25 active contracts and, from this money, I have bought fertilizer and a plough to use at my farm. I am helping my community access clean and safe water and, at the same time, I am providing a reliable source of income for myself and my family."

Jailos Phiri

Area Mechanic, Mchinji

creating sustainable change together

Work with us

By 2027 we aim to reach 1.25 million people with sustainable water services, achieve financial viability and foster economic growth. Your expertise, support, and partnership have the potential to propel our vision forward. Together, we can break barriers, pioneer new and lasting solutions for communities in need.