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Our story

Our pioneering approach has sustainability and an end to aid dependency at its core. Our evolution from traditional NGO roots to social impact business sets us apart.
Improving the lives of malawians

A social impact business

Beyond Water is Malawi’s first social impact business dedicated to improving the lives of rural Malawians through affordable, reliable maintenance and repair services delivered through a model that is financially viable for the long term. We focus on business as well as social impacts to improve long term sustainability and attract investment for scale.

Our vision is to transform Malawi’s rural water sector. Creating sustainable access for all. With an emphasis on the sustainable.

For years / decades, Malawi’s rural water has been beset by short term projects, with no practical long term plan for ongoing water supply repair maintenance and functionality. As a result 40% of rural Malawi’s water points don’t work.

Beyond Water Malawi was established as a social impact business by the INGO Pump Aid to address this challenge. Our mission is to provide a professionally managed repair and maintenance service which can ensure the majority of Malawi’s population have guaranteed access to water AND a financially sustainable business model to achieve this.

Based on our extensive experience and evidence in the WASH sector – CBM – since piloting our work in 2020, we have developed a model – through learning and lessons from others. Our approach combines social impact and financial sustainability. Fully functional water points. 365 days per year.

Tackling the problems

The key features

Our services
External entity takes control of the waterpoint, customer relationship and mechanic management.
Mechanics are incentivised according to performance with average incomes rising over 120% compared to traditional approaches.
Centralised bulk purchasing of high-quality spare parts keeps prices affordable for communities and ensures repairs can be undertaken quickly.
Reliable services and high functionality rates give rural communities value for money and motivates users to pay for water services, in line with the Government of Malawi’s core belief that water is not a free commodity.
Professionally managed routine repair and maintenance, including procurement of low-cost spare parts results in average cost saving of $8,250 over the lifetime of the waterpoint.
A Model for professional repair and maintenance

Evolution of our solution

Through evolving and testing different preventative repair and maintenance innovations (CBM+, PRM and business led PRM), Beyond Water has established a model for PRM, based on critical learning and successful evidence from the continent.

Click on the timeline below to find out more.

2014 - 2017

Self supply pilot

Testing the feasibility of a small-scale WASH business approach, trained 25 small-scale water entrepreneurs to repair, maintain and install community and household pumps; stimulated demand through local marketing.

2018 - 2020

Scale up phase

Expanded self-supply approach across central and southern districts; Beyond Water established. Trained a further 50 entrepreneurs with a focus on technical and business skills.


Covid-19 response

Utilising the established network during a crisis. Contracted the trained pump mechanics to repair 500 community pumps as part of COVID-19 response.


Scale up phase

Piloting and scaling professionalised R&M approach. Developing expertise around direct contracts with communities, mobile payments, service guarantees, spare parts logistics.

Case study

Hear from our area mechanic

Margaret Paul is a dedicated female Area Mechanic, working under Beyond Water’s Professionalised Repair and Maintenance PR&M Programme in Dowa District, Malawi.
“Initially, I was trained in general water pump mechanics, but Beyond Water gave me advanced knowledge in repair and maintenance services of water pumps, complimenting it with entrepreneurial skills Training.
The latter combination of skills has transformed my life for the better, as I am now able to sublease farms, buy fertiliser, employ pieceworkers and pay them monthly. I also comfortably afford to provide educational needs for all my 3 children.”

Margaret Paul

Area Mechanic, Dowa District

creating sustainable change together

Work with us

By 2027 we aim to reach 1.25 million people with sustainable water services, achieve financial viability and foster economic growth. Your expertise, support, and partnership have the potential to propel our vision forward. Together, we can break barriers, pioneer new and lasting solutions for communities in need.